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Sunday, January 24, 2016

19th January 2016 ... weekly volunteers


John, Neil, mike m, David b, Keith, and Martin


- small amount of cutting firewood in tool store
- bonfire of brash piles on ol2 at original site, and additional logging of birch, creating some rides to open up the area. a lot of four foot logs piled up for moving out.
- looked the ponies


- ravens appeared to be in residence
- redpolls outside the tool store
- 7 herring gulls
- cold but some sun


12th January 2016 ... weekly volunteers


John, David a, David brown, Keith, Bernard, mike m, Neil, Alan and martin


- looked the ponies
- 2 gorse bonfires on boundary with foresters cottage, just below last week's fire, cutting and burning. some logs kept for firewood.
- John did some path clearing along the top where the forwarder had killed off the heather.
- did some drainage work around the stone pillars, where water has been flowing over the road, and probably down towards the tool store, making it very boggy. this included rerouting a flow of water coming down a ditch away from the path and towards the boundary with the cottages.  the two pipes leading to the trap on the north side of the road may need rodding at some future time

- observations:

- woodlands singing
- sunny weather for some of morning but still cold in a strong wind


5th January 2016 ... weekly volunteers


John, Jonathan, Alan, Keith, David a, David p, mike m, Neil, Barnard, and Martin


- looked the ponies
- cut gorse near heave gate with foresters cottage, and had bonfire.  some offcuts kept for firewood
- did some work there on leggy heather along the path and patches of birch saplings
- did small repairs to gully feeding stoney pond and to pipe at the heave gate


- dozen mistle thrushes
- woodlark singing
- meadow pipits
- fungus on the heather


29th December 2015 ... weekly volunteers


Keith, David a, mike p, Bernard, Alan and martin


- brought nest box and birdfeeder back to tool store. nest box with Keith for mending, and feeder is in the shop
- inspected the barn owl nest box, which was unused. put some dry bracken in as nest material
- checked the eggs from the tawny owl nest box. a egg fragments still around and with Keith
- looked the ponies
- had bonfire of gorse previously cut in the gorse triangle. cut some more gorse in the area and pollarded 4 birch trees, and fed into fire.


- quite nice weather but with two patches of rain
- single crossbill flying back and forth over us. possibly nesting
- 2 ravens messing around in courtship flights
- woodcock seem near swamp
- woodlark calling
- 4 redwings, Bulfinch, 2 Buzzard, reed bunting, blue tit


22nd December 2015 ... weekly volunteers


David a, John, Keith, Ray, Bernard, Alan, mike p and martin.  Jonathan visited briefly to wish us happy Christmas.


- failed to look the ponies after 2 attempts
- pulled a rhododendron in cricket wood
- cut and split firewood in the tool store
- brought more logs into store to dry
- bit of gorse work along road before weather got too bad
- checked and cleared out the tawny nest box along the m1.  not being shared with squirrels as before, and the spare/addled eggs were all together. the were 11 of them.  now I am thinking about it I suppose it could have been a mandarin duck nest.  I need to check the books. [later:  convinced now that they are mandarin eggs]
- went off to the Hatch for a Xmas drink at lunch time
- drainage trench in front of store improved, to help reduce the mud


- horrid weather with very strong winds and horizontal rain
- John has taken a pair of clippers to mend
- work progresses on iseki


15th December 2015 ... weekly volunteers


John, Keith, mike m, mike p, Ray, Neil, Jonathan, Ron, and martin


- looked the ponies
- 2 gorse bonfires where we cut last week along the top
- bit of log cutting


- nasty weather of drizzle and rain in the morning and worse in the afternoon
- saw the strange pale blackbird again
- fieldfares, bullfinches, wrens
- jack got the flywheel off, and repaired the electrics of the iseki.  it did start and ran for a bit, but suffers from petrol starvation and stops. more work needed


8th December 2015 ... weekly volunteers


John, Jonathan, mike m, mike p, David a, Neil, Ray, Ron, Bernard and Martin


- cut firewood in tool store
- brought more wood into store to dry
- replaced some of the log pile coverings
- got Xmas tree into martin's car
- cut gorse along the top path
- pulled saplings from there down to the chalet owl box
- looked the ponies
- collected some mini Xmas saplings


- martin clonked himself on the car boot door
- jack progressing with attempt to get the flywheel off the iseki
